Saturday, October 30, 2010


There's just something special about a great view. Hikers scale mountains for it, skiers ride the highest chair lift to gaze at it, and when you get there how will you remember it? You take pictures of course! On the weekend of the historic 10-10-10...also David's birthday...we decided to go out to Devils Lake and go hiking in the fall colors of Autumn. Little did we know that we would be ascending a rock slide to reach the top! It was like a stone staircase to the unknown. How much farther? Are we almost there? Are we at least half way? Is this the very top finally? But yes, it did come, and we reached the summit. Only about a mile hike up but it was much more grueling than the sloping and looping dirt path we had expected. But
the views, of course, made it oh so worth it in the they always do.

I love this one with the leaves in the foreground.

 Devils Door rock formation ^

Gazing out over the expanse of trees in change.
 A birthday kiss and one of victory; we did it! We reached the highest spot we could and didn't give up!
 Resting at the base. By the lake. Taking deep breaths. And feeling the seasons change around us.
 The beautiful colors of Autumn.
 Couldn't resist a "throwing leaves" picture ;)
Good bye Devil's Lake, until we meet again and bring more hikers with us to climb your rocky slopes.