Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am currently studying abroad for two weeks in Germany! My journalism and mass communications international media class is staying in Berlin for ten days and Munich for five. I am loving it here in Europe. It took a day to get used to but after that life has been filled with business and excitement! I love the trees, the architecture, the old and enormous museums, cathedrals, castles, palaces, and opera houses! We even got a private tour of the German Parliament building and a bike tour of Berlin and Munich. Eating at the cafes and restaurants on the street is also very enjoyable and quaint! Even the money is pretty; the euro, however, has a poor exchange rate with the dollar.

Our adventures have educated and cultured us and given us a chance to create lasting friendships that were built through a shared journey of wonder and freedom. I can't wait to visit Europe and Germany again!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day to all you nature lovers out there! I know I'm one! So far today I have been to two classes and then I layed on a grassy hill..."studying", watched some robins pick dry grass for their nest. I also tried to get close to 3 campus cats, who just stared me down and skampered to a safe distance when all I wanted to do was show them some love, haha. All together I had a great time in the sun.

It just feels sooooooo good to lay on the earth, close your eyes, and simply listen and feel what nature gives you. It is beautiful, and today was a warm sunny spring day in the midwest. Later tonight I plan on going to the movie Earth with a nature-loving friend. I can't wait to see the beautiful pictures and footage captured from our planet and the amazing creatures who live on it! I urge everyone to look around you when you are out and about and appreciate the trees and sky and birds and squirrels...they are the little things that make life and everyday nature completely breath-taking.